Because of You
My youngest child, Rose, age 14, taught me a lot during the height of the Pandemic last year. She was often at home or in the car with me, and the only places we patronized were drive- throughs. Rose always…
My youngest child, Rose, age 14, taught me a lot during the height of the Pandemic last year. She was often at home or in the car with me, and the only places we patronized were drive- throughs. Rose always…
Just noticing the date today, 2/2/2022. It's always interesting, and often beautiful to see order in numbers, in nature, in a meal, a symphony, a garden. There’s something about ordering things that creates a feeling of accomplishment and a sense…
We went to Tanzania thus year before Christmas, (we usually go in January), and we traveled when many suggested we shouldn't. But after much prayer and discussion, we decided to go because we felt God was calling us to go…
Yesterday, (Labor Day), I was able to speak to most of my kids on the phone or in person. I had one conversation that lasted an hour, and at the very end, this particular child asked me, “so how’s your…
Oh to know God and to be grateful, for wherever we find ourselves…… Just know God is enough.” Solanus Casey My husband used to say that I have a PhD in relationships, which always made me laugh, but in some…
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